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Ambassador Refferal Programme

Team up with me on my Visionary quest to share with

Impact-Driven Women, a revolutionary and innovative way to not give up on their VISION but to pursue and give life to their CONTRIBUTION WITH PURPOSE & PASSION by discovering how they can build a Purpose-Led Online System that allows them to share their knowledge & wisdom with my innovative, simple and systematic process leveraging the powerful insights and breakthroughs experienced with


Help me create a movement to Initiate, Shape and Empower a new way for Women to stand out positively so they can move towards a future built on how they wish to Contribute by sharing their Knowledge & Wisdom online, with Clarity and Direction, to magnetize meaning, impact, joy, Freedom and a long-lasting sense of Fulfilment.

Do you identify as an Impact-Driven, Warm-hearted, Influential & Empowering Woman?

Coach, Guide, Advisor, Consultant, Teacher, Manager and Influencer?


A Natural Influential Networker?

You feel the desire to make a change, or feel led to step into more of an Influential role within your Working life and/or Network?

....and have been hearing huge positive insights into the benefits of HUMAN DESIGN....

The 1 on 1 Programme - PURPOSE WITH PASSION ONLINE BUILDERP, if you choose to become an Affiliate Referral Ambassador, will benefit people in your Network who have either basic knowledge of Human Design and The Gene Keys, or do not have any at all!

Either way, it doesn't matter, as this Programme extracts what the client needs to discover:

How they can share their Knowledge, Wisdom, Expertise, & Experience online, without the need for you or them to have prior knowledge or understanding of Human Design or have never shared what they know online?

I want to guide Impact-driven Influential, heart-felt Women who want to bring change but lack clarity and direction on what their Contribution with Purpose and are desiring share what they know Online, but don't have an Online System Process in place to share their Resources

So they can build without fear or waste precious time holding themselves back, to create a life with more fulfilment, freedom and pure authentic bliss.

Is relationship building easy for you?

Are you very influential within your community or network?

Do you naturally embody or work as any of these archetypes: MANAGER, COACH, CONSULTANT, ADVISOR, GUIDE, TEACHER, or INFLUENCER?

If any of these sound like you and they resonate with who you are, then you may be the kind of person I'm searching for, to support me to build up a team that will change the way Women can find true fulfilment in their Passion doing what they love.

My struggle with lack of direction and purpose led me to finally take a stance to create change!


Personally, the idea of not fully embracing and experiencing living at my highest potential, by being authentic, and building a life that's supportive of myself, and my family whilst being of service to others is my biggest regret!

What is


Ambassador Affliate Referral Programme?

Led by the Innovative Leadership of Amy Yee Chong, Creator of PURPOSE WITH PASSION ONLINE, brings an innovative approach to simplify Human Design through a systematic process of creating your unique Contribution with Purpose & Passion with Clarity, Creativity, Focus and Direction, through a personalised guided step-by-step Bespoke Programme in her PURPOSE WITH PASSION ONLINE BUILDER

It's a personal and practical process to unleash the client's unique potential and align with the natural flow whilst focusing on their Future Direction, by learning lessons from the past, leaning into the Now and their current values, leveraging Natural gifts and Talents, and unleashing their potential to elevate into their Future Direction without wasting precious years trying to discover and work a way for them to share their knowledge, experience and expertise online to serve their ideal audience.

The problem it solves is to bring forward, in a much shorter time frame, the ability to map out against their unique Human Design and Gene Keys, a plan to build what they're here to Contribute with Purpose & Passion with insights and breakthroughs by going deep within their unique HUMAN DESIGN Blueprint and some aspects of their GENE KEYS so that they feel more confident, comfortable and in control of where they're heading.

There are too many so-called Goal-oriented books, Personality tests, Workbooks, Journals, courses and even looking up to Social Media Influencers that provide promises of clarity and direction, yet Women still feel lost and unfulfilled in their working Life!

People tend to rely on: -

1. Looking for Inspiration and Ideas outside of themselves

2. Asking close family and friends what their Natural gifts and talents are

3. Being Influenced by other people's goals or way of life!

4. Using their mind to make decisions

5. Endlessly searching Google for the next best option

But there's no need to, as Human Design and the Gene Keys has all the answers!



In Human Design, the role that I naturally embody is of an Innovative Transformational Potential Leader. Your Public Role is something your client will get to discover too.

It's through my 3 years of studying and embodying Human Design and the Gene Keys, is how I now naturally operate.

I'm not afraid to embrace experimentation to try new things, which allows me to gain wisdom through my trial and error process, in conjunction with going on my journey of self-healing and self-discovery with both HUMAN DESIGN and the GENE KEYS, to get me re-aligned with my true authentic self.

My Transformational experience occurred when I overcame and didn't remain stuck in my struggles, lacked direction or felt
overwhelmed by stress.

The turning point was not letting myself be held back from realising my Vision ... which is to empower Women to move forward on their Creative journey, using a practical and life-changing tool, with my simplified system of extracting necessary insights from Human Design.

The solution is when you focus on 7 Key aspects of Human Design that you too can discover for yourself... these insights provide clarity, direction and in turn, more confidence to take action with your Contribution.

This is what the people in your network will discover and create for themselves too!

Join me in stepping into an innovative and revolutionary way of deep-dive self-discovery through this collaborative experience like no other. So your clients, people in your network or Team members can benefit from the clarity and the validation to move forward sharing what they know!

How will the 1 on 1 Programme: PURPOSE WITH PASSION ONLINE BUILDER help my Clients or people within my Network Do and Achieve?

  • Gain Clarity and direction to know how to bring their knowledge, expertise and experience to serve people using a Done-For-You Foundational Online System so they can share their Online Resources with ease and efficiency
  • Bring back Motivation and Drive to move forward with their Contribution with Purpose
  • Lessen wasted time on procrastination and constant confusion
  • Permission to take action based on how authentically aligned it feels to them
  • Future Potential discovery
  • Unleash and tap into their Natural Gifts, Talents and Strengths
  • Align their desire bring more meaning and impact with their Future Direction
  • Match their current Values with their Vision
  • Discover what makes them unusually unique and own it with confidence
  • Look into their Life's Purpose and Soul's Purpose
  • Bring back the bliss in the Work that they love to do
  • Build and/advise on an putting together an online System for your client that allows them to share their knowledge & wisdom resources all online using a tool that costs $0 per month

Do you relate to any of these 3: -


The Power of Leveraging your Networks is a genuine way to spread the Word and create Change in the lives of Impact - driven Women with Vision.

If you are a NATURAL NETWORKER, then this Ambassador Referral Programme is certainly perfect for leveraging your natural gift with ease.


My Bespoke 1 on 1 Signature Programme is here to serve your clients to take the initiative to move forward and make positive changes in their working life.

Without Innovation, there's no Change or Growth!

With no Growth, there's no Impact and we remain at a standstill.

Whether you have a basic understanding of your own Human Design or you've never heard of this amazing system, that's not an issue.

My Programme supports your clients in a way that provides the insights they need, without the need for or your client to know or understand Human Design.

What you can do as an Affiliate Referral Ambassador is market the benefits of this innovative ground-breaking system.


If you identify as a Forward-Thinker and aren't afraid to think outside the box

You also keep up with the times and aren't afraid to take on new and Future-Oriented paradigms.... then this is definitely a great trait to possess to be part of this Ambassador Programme.

By opting in, you agree to receive communications in relation to PURPOSE WITH PASSION ONLINE Affiliate Referral Programme & also information into how I can provide Human Design Personalised Reports, for your clients to benefit from, without the need to learn all about Human Design

(I do not spam email, as I hate email spams myself, they're very annoying (-: All information provided remains confidential & you can unsubscribe anytime)

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